Very amusing!
Not very hard, very much fun for a lot of time...
Very amusing!
Not very hard, very much fun for a lot of time...
Love it!
Can't not-love Time-related point-n-click games!
Very cool
But I'm never good in this kind of games. Can't not-love them, though!
And this one is very stopmotionful, and very entertaining.
And it really resembles Myst quite bit. :)
Keep it up!
It was pretty nice. Haven't played racing games before, this is quite fun, and if I may say so, cute even.
Very nice!
It's original, reminds me of Shift, though.
What I love about it is the little size of the game. Very 'economical'. :)
Keep it up!
I love this game... Not a big fan of Texas Hold'em, but this is just phenomenal.
It's an achievement to make something like this in flash...
People say it's a demo... Oh well, don't care, it's still great!
I like it a lot! Little music wouldn't hurt, though.
Wow! I love this game! It's pretty funny, too.
I love his 'speech' best... *phr prh phr phrprh*
It's great!
But unfortunately, I found it difficult.
This could be the funnest idea involving classic games ever!! Well done!
Chiptune & VGM Composer
Joined on 12/3/07